Day Camp for Girls Age 12-16
Week 3
(June 24-28)
Case Study: Child Trafficking in Cambodia
Weekly Topic Overview: This week we continue our examination of specific case studies of childhood trauma across cultures by focusing on the experiences of children and adolescents who have been sold into sexual slavery, labor slavery, international adoption and other forms of child trafficking in Cambodia. Our goal is to develop a general sense of what constitutes child trafficking and of how prevalent child trafficking is in the world today. We will use the particular case of Cambodia in order to explore the psychological impact of trafficking on children and youth.
Lastly, we will analyze what factors are contributing to child trafficking and what efforts are taking place in order to effectively help trafficked children.
Weekly Learning Objectives:
This week you will...
1. Analyze the prevalence of child trafficking around the world and in the specific case of Cambodia.
2. Examine the experiences of Cambodian children and youth who have been kidnapped or bought and then sold through child trafficking.
3. Explore the psychological effects child trafficking has had on Cambodian children and youth and the efforts being made to deal with those psychological effects.
Positive Psychology Focus: Conversation Topic(s)
Hope and Optimism Gender and Language
Gender and Emotion