Day Camp for Girls Age 12-16
Week 4
(July 8-12)
Case Study: Trauma and Child Immigration
Weekly Topic Overview: This week we continue our examination of specific case studies of childhood trauma across cultures by focusing on the experiences of children and adolescents who have immigrated to other countries either with their families or on their own. Our goal is to develop a general sense of what constitutes the immigration experience for children and youth around the world today and relate it to the experience of trauma among children and youth. In particular, we will explore the psychological impact of immigration on children, youth and their families in order to determine what may be short- and long-term effects of immigration.
Lastly, we will analyze what other emotional impacts immigration is having on children and youth who find themselves in new and unfamiliar social and cultural contexts.
Weekly Learning Objectives:
This week you will...
1. Analyze the prevalence and effects of child immigration around the world.
2. Examine the connections between immigration and trauma for children and youth who have either been forced or have elected to immigrate to other countries with their families or on their own.
3. Explore the general emotional impact that immigration has had on children, youth and their families as they work to make lives for themselves in unfamiliar social and cultural contexts.
Positive Psychology Focus: Conversation Topic(s)
Appreciation and Gratitude My Hair, My Story
Gender Stereotypes/Differences